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Iluka ELIMINATE Chlorine Free Shock Natural Spa Minerals Hot Tub Spa 1 kg


Iluka Sea Mineral Total Spa Care .... the natural way

** Mineral Rich ** Naturally Sourced ** Sustainable ** Therapeutic **


Iluka Eliminate Chlorine Free Shock Treatment- 1 kg


Eliminate is a chlorine free shock treatment that assists ILUKA purify and your spa filter by removing contaminants from your spa or hot tub making sanitation and filtration much more efficient. It is very fast acting, and a spa or hot tub may be used only 15 minutes after dosing. Oxidising your spa or hot tub destroys odours and wastes that are missed during sanitation, increases bather comfort and restores sparkle to the water.


ILUKA eliminate will

  • Both reduce and eliminate combined chlorine levels
  • Oxidise organic contaminants
  • Increase sanitiser efficacy when used regularly
  • Create extra sparkle


A monthly maintenance dose of 50gm of ILUKA eliminate should be added for every 1,000 litres of water or as required (dependent upon water condition).

Whenever you experience a heavy bather load, an additional maintenance dose is always recommended


About Iluka

Iluka, meaning "near the sea" offers the feeling of being in a sea-like environment as you relax in your spa or hot tub. As well as offering you the pure enjoyment of relaxing in your spa or hot tub, the ILUKA range of spa treatments is designed to offer you the additional benefits of a rewarding healthy and therapeutic experience.


Key Benefits of Iluka

Made from all natural minerals and produced without any chemical processes

Contains a combination of tried & trusted health promoting minerals in the form of Magnesium, Potassium and Ocean Trace Elements

ILUKA minerals contain almost the identical composition and balance of our own mineral levels making them the perfect supplement to our natural levels

So, enjoy a luxurious experience to soothe and nourish your skin and hair, help relieve aches and pains.

Iluka ELIMINATE (Spa Shock Treatment) - 1 kg

SKU: P10CM019
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