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Zodiac Natural Clarifier Swimming Pool Spa Clear 1 Litre

Zodiac Natural Clarifier  -  Clears cloudy pool water

Organic formula
Helps prevent oil and scum marks
Improves filtration efficiency
Removes metals from water


Active Constituent:  Chitosan

Dosage When Cloudy Water: 45mL per 10,000L
Weekly Maintenance Dosage: 20mL per 10,000L


General Guide
Make sure the filter is clean and equipment is working correctly
Dilute Zodiac clarifier in a bucket of pool water and then apply the solution evenly around the edges of the pool
Operate filter continuously for minimum 6 hours after application


Dosage rates indicated are a guide only
Please refer to the label for further instructions

Zodiac Natural Clarifier Swimming Pool Spa Clear 1 Litre

SKU: P08CM129
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